Cargobike presentation
22. Nov 2023

Visit from the local authorities

In November, we organized our third Municipal Day to present the VIA cargo bike. The event was attended by mayors and decision-makers from various municipalities.

Cargobike Factory
19. Sep 2023

Visit in the factory in Czech Republic

We were in the Czech Republic for four days and visited the factory where the frames for the VIA cargo bikes are welded.

Tire cargobike
08. Aug 2023

Which tire size is right for you?

We have compiled the most common tire sizes and you will find out which tire is used on which type of bike.

Battery e-Bike
18. Jul 2023

What you should know about e-bike batteries: A comprehensive guide

We present the most important factors that can affect the range of your modern e-bike battery and how you can extend the life of your battery:

Cargobike Eurobike VIA
30. Jun 2023

VIA at the Eurobike 2023

A hot trade fair week lies behind us. At Eurobike 2023, we presented the VIA cargo bike to the public for the first time.

Cargo bike with beer keg
09. Jun 2023

Cargo bike premiere in Rauschenberg

Every year in June our big company party takes place - this time with the VIA premiere.

26. Apr 2023

Photo shoot with the VIA cargo bike

We were on the road in Marburg and took the first pictures with the VIA prototype.

09. Mar 2023

The first Prototype is running!

Finally, the time has come! The first prototype of the VIA power bike is rolling across the factory premises.